MasterSession with Lorimer Moseley & guests (USA time)





About the event:

3 Session/s 

This event has no CEU credits

AU | ACST | July 1, 2, 3 | 06:30 – 12:00:

US/CA East Coast | EDT | June 30, July 1, 2 | 17:00 – 22:30:

US/CA West Coast | PDT | June 30, July 1, 2 | 14:00 – 19:30:

(For EU time zones, click HERE)




Join Lorimer Moseley and his guests for this first ever global Pain MasterSession – a massive 16.5 hours of cutting-edge pain science and clinical application with 4 of the world’s pain super stars. Professionally filmed in a studio. It’s going to be incredible!


What we know now about persistent pain puts recovery right back on the table.

Lorimer Moseley is one of the most highly regarded and sought-after pain experts on the planet today. He draws on over 30 years of clinical pain research and practice to lead you on a journey through the latest discoveries in modern pain rehabilitation.

Pain science and treatment is a fast-moving field. Discoveries from across the fundamental and applied sciences open up new and exciting opportunities for improving outcomes for those at risk of, or challenged by, persisting pain.

We love getting the science to the people who can use it the most – clinicians at the coal face.

This MasterSession will bring discoveries in pain science to life in a clinically applicable way. Contemporary learning principles and techniques will be used to guide participants through how we think, what we think, how we can optimise the impact of educational strategies and how we can use the same techniques to enhance our own discovery, capacity and wellbeing as clinicians.


Three of the world’s pain superstars join Lorimer Moseley to discuss the future of pain care.

Mark Hutchinson – on the fundamental science, how cellular and molecular evidence can change the pain experience

and what is just over the horizon in terms of technologies and our understanding of persistent pain.

Tasha Stanton – on understanding why people have pain and why sometimes it doesn’t go away, looking at how we can treat osteo-arthritis in better and new ways.

David Butler – on education, vaccinations, conspiracy theories and how hard it is to change people’s beliefs.

World leading scientists, pioneering researchers and leaders in pain care. What a line up!

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You will:

  • Massively increase your knowledge of pain biology
  • Improve your ability to integrate this into your assessment and management of anyone in pain
  • Gain an insight into the future of pain research, science and care
  • Learn from some of the brightest minds in pain science in the world today


After the event you will have access to the full event recording

About Lorimer Moseley


Professor Lorimer Moseley AO is a pain scientist, educator and clinician. After posts at The University of Oxford, UK, and the University of Sydney, Lorimer was appointed Foundation Professor of Neuroscience and Chair in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia.

He has published over 360 articles, five books and numerous book chapters. His papers have over 20,000 citations and he is ranked in the top 0.6% of scientists in all fields. He has given over 140 keynote or invited presentations at interdisciplinary meetings in 30 countries and has provided professional education in pain sciences to over 15,000 medical and health practitioners and public lectures to 35,000. His research group’s outreach videos and articles have attracted over 12 million views/reads. His contributions to pain science have been recognised by international prizes including the International Association for the Study of Pain and Australia’s most prestigious prize for innovation and potential transformation in health and medicine. His contributions to pain management and education have been recognised by governments and professional societies in 13 countries. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and he was recently made an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO, the second highest national honour) for ‘contribution to humanity at large in the fields of pain science and management, science communication, professional and public medical education and to physiotherapy’.

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