
Education and advice: the foundations of our profession

Great blogpost by Davide Lanfranco about how important education and advice is for our profession! 🙂 It is the foundation of the treatment. Davide Lanfranco is an italian physiotherapist and hypnotherapist living and working in central London. Davide has a big interest in pain management and in anything related to it. His approach is specifically …

Racquet sports

Racquet sports help you live longer!

Great review of a study about all-cause mortality by Mick Hughes! 🙂 Racquet sports significantly reduce the risk of all-cause mortality. Mick Hughes is the head Physiotherapist of the Collingwood Magpies Netball team and shares his time between Collingwood and The Melbourne Sports Medicine Centre. He is a keen blogger and posts regularly on sports physio …

hamstring slack

No eccentric hamstring action during running?

Do we need to use eccentric or isometric exercises to prevent hamstring injuries and improve sports performance? Great question and blogpost by Bas van Hooren! 🙂 Bas Van Hooren is a sport scientist, athlete and freelance strength and conditioning specialist from Maastricht, The Netherlands. He graduated from a MSc Human Movement Sciences in Maastricht University …

Is it OK to K tape…?

Great blogpost by Adam Meakins questioning the use of k tape! 🙂 It is always good as physiotherapists to be open to new ideas and to remain critical on your own clinical reasoning process. After reading the blogpost, what do you think? Adam is a specialist sports physiotherapist and extended scope practitioner with an interest in the …